Julie Steele

Weekends, 12 p.m.-5 p.m.

As a teenager, I spent many hours in my room with headphones on listening to very loud music. Now, I get paid to do it. Still not sure how I managed that!

I grew up on a farm in Florida riding horses, motorcycles and surfing. I don’t surf much anymore, but I still ride horses and motorcycles. I love nothing more than long, all day motorcycles rides. I’m sort of an adrenaline junkie and pretty much your all American girl, as happy in a pair of cowboy boots, or motorcycle boots, as I am in heels. Oh, and I’m a Gator fan. But I’ll cheer for Georgia, as long as they’re not playing the Gators.

I love to cook and I grow my own herbs. Not pot — real herbs for cooking!

I love all types of music, but I think my favs are classic rock and country. They just seem to speak to me.

Connect with Julie

email:    julies@1049therebel.com

studio:   706-802-1049
