Weekdays, 3:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.
You want to know about me??? First off thank you for letting The Rebel and me be a part of your day. Nothing better than sitting in a room by yourself for 5 hours talking to people you can’t see. That doesn’t sound too crazy does it??
Now to the good stuff…I was born and raised in Alabama. ROLL TIDE!!! Being from the south I love love love college football. I have a Boston Terrier that I call my kid and his name is Otis.
I’ve been a huge fan of music since I was a wee little Fox. I don’t have enough room to name all the music I’m into. Let’s just say it goes from Sinatra to Country to Rap to Classic Rock to Heavy Metal. Variety is the spice of life!!
Connect with Shea
email: sheaf@1049therebel.com
studio: 706-802-1049