Wednesday, April 3, 2024–8:30 a.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Later this week and early next week, the Rome Police Department will move to its new temporary home.
The Rome City Commission approved $2 million for the purchase of the former Scott Logistics building at 16 Vail Street and an adjoining four-acre parcel at 19 Vail Street. This is located on Technology Parkway just down the street from the Harbin Clinic Corporate Center.
The move will include the police department, city police records, and municipal court.
To prepare for the move, the public window for Rome Police Administration and Police Records window will close on Friday, April 5, and Monday, April 8. It will reopen at the new location on Tuesday, April 9. The Municipal Court Collections window will close at 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 4. Payments can still be made online while the physical collection window is temporarily closed and relocated.
The relocation of the Rome Police Department is the result of last year’s local option sales tax negotiations through which the Rome/Floyd Law Enforcement Center and The Forum Civic Center changed ownership.
Now that the city police department is moving, Floyd County Manager Jamie McCord explained what happens next at the law enforcement center.
“We’ve been working on a test fit with one of our space consultants to see what the best configuration will be for the lower courts and tax and tag,” he said. “We’re still looking at moving lower courts and moving the tax assessor and tax commissioner over. There is still a little more work to do with the city evidence room. It still has to be relocated, and Rome-Floyd Metro Task Force is going to stay put until Glenwood is completed and then they will relocate.”
Of course, the Floyd County Police Department will be moving into the former Glenwood School building.
“The first of the dominoes to fall on our end is the Glenwood School bids,” McCord said. “Hopefully, they will open up in a couple of weeks and be solid and we can start moving forward with that and get our group relocated by the end of the year, hopefully. We’re excited about the backfilling and giving the judicial system the space they need to operate.”
McCord gave an update during Tuesday’s Rome-Floyd Joint Services Committee meeting.