Hays prison officer arrested on contraband charges

January 23rd, 2024 – 11:30 AM

WZQZ Radio –

A thirty-one-year-old corrections officer was arrested earlier this month and charged with attempting to smuggle drugs and cell phones into Hays State Prison in Chattooga County.

Nicholas Matthew Grindle worked at the prison in Trion and was arrested by Georgia Department of Corrections authorities on January 7th after prison officials found twelve packages wrapped up in black electrical tape inside Grindle’s locker at the prison.

Inside the packages, prison authorities found seven vape pens, one vape bottle, a wireless earbud, 20 charging cables, five charging blocks, 14 cell phones, 222 grams of marijuana, and 760 grams of methamphetamine.

The Georgia Department of Corrections says that Grindle admitted to trying to bring the contraband to an inmate. He was arrested by the Georgia Department of Corrections and booked into the Chattooga County Jail.