FCSO awarded gang activity prosecution grant

November 21st, 2023 – 2:10 PM

WRGA Staff Reports –

The Floyd County Sheriff’s Office has announced that they are receiving a Gang Activity Prosecution Grant that will help in identifying and prosecuting the local gang members.

The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) appropriated $1,250,000 in the FY24 State of Georgia budget for a competitive Gang Activity Prosecution Grant (GAP Grant.) GEMA/HS received 46 submissions during the September 23-October 18 application window totaling $3,140,717.

The GAP Grant applications were made open to law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys, and nonprofits primarily focused on gang prosecutions in the State of Georgia. Applications had to show a commitment to successful prosecutions of gang activity.

As part of the Office of the Governor, the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency collaborates with local, state, and federal governments in partnership with private sector and non-governmental organizations to protect life and property against man-made and natural emergencies.

Director Chris Stallings said of the awards “I am pleased to provide critical resources to local communities across Georgia to take on the sweeping gang epidemic facing our great state. None of this would have been possible without the leadership of Governor Kemp and our elected officials in the State House and Senate. These projects will strengthen our prosecuting attorneys and law enforcement’s ability to keep all Georgians safe.”