Jeff Jones appointed to state IA board

February 17, 2022–9:42 a.m.


The commander of the investigation division for Floyd County Police Department has been selected to serve on the executive board of the Georgia Internal Affairs Investigator Association, a professional board that serves to foster knowledge and practices in police investigations.

Jeff Jones has more than 25 years of law enforcement experience in Floyd County.

He has been at the helm of the investigative division since 2016 when he was promoted to Major.

The investigator is a lifelong resident of Floyd County and a graduate of Armuchee High School.

Jones has numerous investigations to his credit.

He most recently was the architect of an investigation that led to the conviction of multiple school system employees who embezzled $6.3 million from the coffers of Floyd County Schools.

The police department was able to recover $4.6 million from that theft, which is very uncommon in cases of financial theft.

In 2007 he was a member of a federal task force who assisted with the arrest and prosecution of a local Imam in the first foreign terrorism case presented in the Northern District of Georgia for U.S. District Court.

The investigator facilitated the effort for our community to receive help from the Drug Enforcement Agency to receive investigative support through the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area designation.

His work led to improved tracking of overdose cases and linking them to the prosecution of suppliers through OD Map, which can trace overdose cases nationwide.

Jones was a former member of a Safe Streets Task Force operated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 10 years in Rome and is a founding member of the local Bomb Response Team.

He completed Internal Affairs training at the Institute of Police Technology & Management in Jacksonville, Fla., and has attended frequent training offered in the field through the state training center, including Internal Affairs updates, Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation, Gang Intelligence, and Human Trafficking training.